Preparing for the summer and protecting agricultural and forest wealth from fires

بلاغ إتمام عملية إسناد المساكن الإجتماعية

بلاغ إتمام عملية إسناد المساكن الإجتماعية المنجزة في إطار البرنامج الخصوصي للسكن الإجتماعي بولاية المنستير في جزئه المتكون من عدد 11 مسكن فردي بمعتمدية جمال و عدد 65 مسكن جماعي بمعتمدية الساحلين

بقية التفاصيل

Preparing for the summer and protecting agricultural and forest wealth from fires

As part of the preparation for the summer and the protection of agricultural and forest wealth against fires, a working session was held today, Thursday, May 26, 2021 at the headquarters of the State, of the regional committee of prevention, intervention
and organization of relief, under the supervision of Mr. Akram Al-Sebri, the governor of Monastir
And the presence of the first representatives, regional directors of the guard and the police, the regional director of civil protection, the rapporteur of the commission, as well as the presence of accredited gentlemen, directors and regional delegates.
The governor of Monastir underlined the need to bring together and combine the efforts of the various actors, each of his site, to prepare the summer and the summer and tourist season by committing to cleaning the roadsides, to pruning the trees. and to eliminate all the impurities which would cause fires during the summer, in particular by calling the communes to carry out cleaning campaigns and by committing to maintain the water supply points of the civil protection, and by inviting the establishments industrialists to properly dispose of warehouses and storage spaces for raw materials and products, and to ensure the safety of their transport, while providing tools and mechanisms for protection and security.
Brigadier General Mohamed Saleh Belans, regional director of civil protection and rapporteur of the regional committee for disaster prevention, intervention and relief organization, explained in a presentation on the activities of civil protection teams presented by the 'occasion, that the work of civil protection during the summer is based mainly on the protection of agricultural and forest wealth against fires and rescue and ambulance on the roads, ambulance and rescue on the beaches, highlighting the increase in the civil protection intervention to extinguish fires during the summer of 2020, where 215 interventions were recorded to extinguish 33.5 ha, an increase of 43% (an increase of 65 intervention operations) and an increase of 97% of areas (an increase of 16.5 ha).
In order to ensure that fires are reduced during the summer, the regional director of civil protection called for the need to eliminate weeds, especially dry ones, near abandoned hostels and closed tourist establishments and near industrial, educational and health zones. and called for the cleaning of the edges of roads and railways. Continued extension and preparation of agricultural and rural roads to ensure a smooth intervention and the passage of fire trucks.
With regard to ambulances and roadside assistance during the safe holiday period from July 1, 2020 to September 15, 2020, a 79% drop in the number of accidents was recorded, from 391 accidents in 2019 to 312 in 2020 and a drop of around 119% in the number of injured From 449 in 2019 to 330 injured in 2020, and an increase in the number of deaths was recorded from one death in 2019 to 9 deaths in 2020.
As for ambulance and rescue operations on the beaches, the regional director of civil protection confirmed that each year 7 main points and 17 sub-points are concentrated on the beaches of Monastir and Bekalta, where the municipality of Monastir will put to 62 rescuers available this summer, and the municipality of Bekalta is providing 35 rescuers, knowing that aid from During the summer of 2020, Civil Protection recorded a 25% drop in ambulance operations (19 ambulances) compared to 44 ambulances during the summer of 2019, and a decrease in the number of drownings of 29% in 2020 (18 drownings) against 47 drownings in 2019.
Participants called for the need to organize joint clean-up campaigns between the municipalities and regional administrations concerned and to involve civil society to clean up white spaces and the surroundings of large institutions and cut down trees to reduce fires during this summer.
The head of the regional union of industry, commerce and crafts reiterated the call for the urgent need to establish a branch of civil protection in the city of Tabulba to ensure speed and efficiency interventions to extinguish fires and for first aid and rescue in the event of road accidents and accidents at work, considering that the town of Tabulba and the neighboring towns have industrial and tourist towns par excellence and witness to a great commercial movement, especially during the summer.