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بلاغ إتمام عملية إسناد المساكن الإجتماعية

بلاغ إتمام عملية إسناد المساكن الإجتماعية المنجزة في إطار البرنامج الخصوصي للسكن الإجتماعي بولاية المنستير في جزئه المتكون من عدد 11 مسكن فردي بمعتمدية جمال و عدد 65 مسكن جماعي بمعتمدية الساحلين

بقية التفاصيل

On Wednesday, 06 July 2022, Mr. Mondhir Ben Sik Ali supervised a working session devoted to presenting the final report of the second part of the technical, financial and economic feasibility study of the Monastir Bay reclamation project in the presence of the State Secretary-General project ", the Director-General of the Coastal Strip Protection Agency, the representative of the Tunisian-Kuwaiti Studies Offices Complex, the head of the project and three regional frames.

In order to achieve the success of the national referendum, which is an important national station through which the Tunisian people freely express their position in the drafting of a new constitution and in the framework of working well prepared for the success of this electoral path to be held on Monday 25 July 2022.

Mandated by the governor of Monastir, Mr. Samir Al rayes accompanied the State Secretary General on Saturday morning 02 July 2022 to visit the Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy of the State of Monastir to supervise the procession to launch the first control laboratory to match the quality of medical fabric in accordance with international standards.
