Events of the Second Session of om ezzine International Festival in Jammel

بلاغ إتمام عملية إسناد المساكن الإجتماعية

بلاغ إتمام عملية إسناد المساكن الإجتماعية المنجزة في إطار البرنامج الخصوصي للسكن الإجتماعي بولاية المنستير في جزئه المتكون من عدد 11 مسكن فردي بمعتمدية جمال و عدد 65 مسكن جماعي بمعتمدية الساحلين

بقية التفاصيل

Events of the Second Session of om ezzine International Festival in Jammel

On Wednesday evening, 20 July 2022, Mr. Mondher Ben Sik Ali supervised the launch of the second session of the ezzene International Festival at Jammel Municipal Stadium in the presence of the First Certified Gentlemen, the State General Clerk, the Mayor and the Regional Delegate for Culture, as well as the presence of a few regional frames and representatives of national organizations. The second edition of the om ezzine International Festival takes place from 20 July to 08 August 2022, where the opening of an art show by Arab artist Saber rebai will be the conclusion of the able artist Lotfi Bouchnak. The festival programme includes several performances ranging from rap art, music, theatre, cinema, and screenings for children.